OvuFind Rapid Ovulation test is a one step mid stream ovulation kit which helps detect the peak fertile days in a month when there are maximum chances of getting pregnant. The OvuFind Rapid Ovulation Test specifically identifies the human Luteinizing Hormone (LH). It reveals if the concentration of that hormone in the urine is equal to or above 25 mlU/mL. The OvuFind Ovulation Kit is a device of its time and has a wide application for women who wish to conceive as quickly as possible and who want to understand how their body works.
OvuFind Rapid Ovulation test are over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge.
One box of OvuFind Rapid Ovulation test contains - 5 kits for ovulation tests, each with Midstream LH testing device, Dessicant (Silica Gel), instruction manual.
Anytime between 10 am and 8 pm. But most women find accurate results when they test in the afternoon. Ensure to avoid consuming a lot of fluids before testing. If required, continue testing everyday according to the given chart at the same time until you find the LH surge peak.
It’s best to check your result after 5 minutes from taking the test. If your check after 10 mins, it will most likely to be invalid and you’ll have to test again.
Your two most fertile days begin with the LH surge. You are most likely to get pregnant if you have intercource within 24-36 hours after detection of the LH surge.
'Ovulation' is the process by which an egg is expelled from an ovary, which occurs 12-16 days before her next menstruation begins.
Fertile days are the days in a woman's menstruation cycle, preceding and including the day of ovulation, when she has the potential to become pregnant if she has unprotected intercourse.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but every woman is unique and many women’s cycles vary by 5 days or more. As menstrual cycles vary in length, so does the timing of ovulation, so it can be difficult to know when YOUR fertile days are.
This makes it harder to predict when to test but we’ve got you covered. If your cycle is irregular and varies by a few days every month, take the average of the last 3 months. Count 12 days from the first day of your period and then take the test.
The test is positive if a pink line is obtained in each R and T section. However, the test is negative if only one pink line is obtained in R section.
The OvuFind Rapid Ovulation Test is available online on ecommerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.
Yes. The test device and the ovulation test strip should be stored in cool & dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat. Ensure that the device and strips are used before the expiry date.
Lutenizing Hormone, which is always present in the human urine. Ovulation is the release of an egg from a woman's ovaries and is essential for getting pregnant. Ovulation is spontaneously triggered about 36-40 hours after blood levels of a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) rise i.e. it increases before a woman's most fertile day of the month. This is called the LH surge.
If this happens, there is no LH surge. If the reference line (R) is darker that the test line (T), you’re not ovulating.
That’s an invalid result and you have nothing to worry about. It’s possible that the absorbent tip wasn’t saturated with enough urine, the test has expired or it is damaged. Grab another test and try again.
If the result shows LH surge, it may not change after the test is completed or for several hours. But if it shows no LH surge, do not read or interpret after 10 minutes.
Some prescribed drugs such as progesterone derivatives medicines, androgenic hormones medicine, ovulation inducing drugs and synthetic steroid growth hormone may affect the results. Medications containing hCG or LH may affect the test and should not be taken while using the test. If you are medically diagnosed with a fertility problem, you should consult a healthcare professional before using the product.
No, it will have no effect on your findings. Your periods, on the other hand, may be irregular and require some time to stabilise. Before using an OvuFind Rapid Ovulation Test, you should wait two normal menstruation periods and record their duration.
If you use oral contraceptive pills, your period cycle may become irregular and take some time to stabilize again. Wait until you have two normal periods before taking the OvuFind Rapid Ovulation Test.
Take the Ezeefind One step mid stream early pregnancy test to detect hCG.