What is Ezeefind Early Pregnancy Detection kit??
Ezeefind is a pregnancy test that detects the presence of hCG (Human Chronic Gonadotrophin) in urine. If Hcg detected in urine it is considered a positive sign of pregnancy. It reveals if the concentration of that hormone in the urine is equal to or above 10mIU/ml. The level of hormones increases as pregnancy progresses. The Ezeefind pregnancy test is 99% accurate provided the test is performed properly. It is absolutely safe to use. It’s a physical product and does not interfere with any bodily activity.
When can I see the results?
The Ezeefind TM Early Pregnancy Detection Kit displays results within 3 minutes. You can read results between 5-10 minutes. Do not read results after 10 minutes.
What does 1 Pink line mean?
If 1 Pink Line appears, it depicts a ‘Negative’ state – Pregnancy is not confirmed.
What do 2 Pink lines mean?
If 2 Pink Lines appear, it depicts a ‘Positive’ state – Pregnancy is confirmed.
When can I take this test?
After fertilization, it typically takes about 7-9 days for the pregnancy hormone, hCG, to appear in urine if the egg implants successfully in the uterus. However, with advancements in home testing, some options like the EzeeFind Early Detection Pregnancy Test can detect pregnancy as early as 5 days before your expected period.
What is the apt time to take the test?
The test should ideally be performed during the first urine period of the morning. This is important as the first cycle of urine in the morning includes more quantity of "HCG". HCG is a pregnancy hormone found in an expectant woman's urine that aids in the detection of pregnancy. The test can also be performed at any other time of day with fresh urine. This urine, however, must be retained in the urinary tract for approximately 4-5 hours. This increases the quantity of HCG in the urine.
When should I start testing?
The user can test for pregnancy on the first day of missing their period or any other day after that. However, if anybody does the test before the expected date of the periods, the result may not be 100% correct/precise.
Should I drink plenty of liquids before the test?
There needs to be a good amount of urine in the bladder for the test to work effectively. Drinking water can be helpful. It is essential that urine is stored in the urinary bladder for about 4-5 hours in order to get precise results.
Do I need to keep a diet before the test?
There is no need to keep a diet before taking the test.
What does one dark line and one pink line signify?
This indicates that there is insufficient HCG hormones present in the urine. You are advised to repeat the test again the next morning.
What could affect my results?
Some prescribed drugs, such as progesterone derivatives medicine, androgenic hormones medicine, ovulation inducing drugs and synthetic steroid growth hormone may affect the results. If you are going for any therapy for infertility, please consult your doctor for appropriate time to begin the testing. Medication containing hCG (Human Chronic Gonodotrophin) or LH (Luteinizing Hormone) may affect the test and should not be taken while doing the test. If you are medically diagnosed with a fertility problem, you should consult a healthcare professional before using the test.
I have irregular periods. Whats the best time to test?
This makes it harder to predict when to test but we’ve got you covered. Count 14 days from the last time you had intercourse and then take the test. If the test turns out negative and you think you might be pregnant, test again in a couple of days.
When is the best time to try and conceive?
The most fertile days of a woman’s menstrual cycle are the days leading up to and the day of ovulation. OvuFind is a self test that will help you track your ovulation peak and discover the days when you are most likely to conceive through intercourse.
The line in the test area is extremely faint. What should I do?
If the line is really faint and you’re straining to see. It may be too early to test or your urine is watered down. To be sure, it is recommended to retest after three days.
My test was negative, but I skipped my period. What does this mean?
If you see a control line (C) but don’t see a test couldn’t detect hCG in your urine yet. It could be either mean you’re not pregnant or it’s too early to test. You could test again in a couple of days to be sure. If its still negative, we recommend you visit your doctor.